I'm Not A Robot
Said No Human Ever - Wait, Look They Did!
It’s a defeated sigh in having to prove that you’re a human.
Let's Take a look at why Captchas are everyone's least security tool.
Not as Easy as It Sounds, Is It?
An angry user commented
“The worst is when you go through 2-3 CAPTCHA pages with 18-27 different images to identify the traffic light or whatever, and it says you got it wrong — and you have no idea HOW you got it wrong. If it doesn’t point out which one you missed, then it’s reasonable to think that maybe you got it right and the computer got it wrong, but of course, you’ll have no way of proving that.”
More frustrated users shared
“I’m just saying, there were times when I was like, "There were NO other traffic lights, goddammit!!" “I never know when they ask me to click on traffic lights if they mean only the light fixtures, or the fixtures and the poles. It’s maddening.”
Time and Labor-intensive
Solving CAPTCHA may not be the easiest task for someone with bad eyesight or lack of focus before going to the website they initially wanted to go to.

A user was so infuriated that they asked for the address of the developers
“With the creation of image captchas, it’s no longer possible to get authorization if you have less-than-perfect eyesight or a less-than-perfect display device. Attempting to switch to audio gives an error message. If anyone knows the addresses of any of the bullies who developed this, please, please post!”

Even with a 32” monitor, a user couldn't defeat the CAPTCHA as they comment
“I thought I was having trouble because my eyes are getting worse (half true) – even with a 32" monitor, I can’t see what they’re looking for. And I still haven’t figured out if the poles should be included with street signs and stop lights. I’m about ready to cancel paid subscriptions to NYT and WaPo because of this. I have to do a "captcha" when I log in after clearing internet history, which I do every few days. Now that I know it’s not just me, I hope they ask why I canceled.”
It also takes up the user’s precious time as they spend hours just to solve CAPTCHAS to prove they are humans.
None of the CAPTCHAS Are Ideal For Users
Hours of my life I’ve wasted clicking on the buses, traffic lights, and storefronts.

Not Everybody Lives in the USA
All users do not live in the US, and identifying items such as fire hydrants and American storefronts, are a hard nut to crack.